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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Death Note

 I am currently five volumes and six pages into the manga Death Note. Now I had been told for years that this manga was amazing but, somehow, in telling me how amazing it was people forgot to tell me what this manga was actually all about so I never had any interest in it. Recently a new acquaintance of mine picked it up and explained to me what  the story was about; after hearing basically the entire first chapter I decided to give it a try. This manga, while the art work is definitely not the best I've seen, is one of the best written mangas I've come across since I began reading mangas seven years ago.

The story keeps you guessing. You are never quite sure which is going to win the protagonist or the antagonist, which by the way I still can't figure out which is which. The two main characters "Light" and "L" can be easily generalized into one role or the other but when one takes a deeper look at each characters reasoning and psychological stand point its hard to choose one as good and the other as bad.

With all that said this manga is definitely a must read for those who, first, like mangas(While I would recommend this to any non manga reader, I  will again caution to not focus on the art at first, focus on the story instead. Once you get into it you will realize the art is designed the way it is because of the nature of the story.) and, second, for those who enjoy psychologically thrilling mangas with humor thrown in.  

Here is a description of Death Note taken from  

"The series Death Note centers around a high school student named Light Yagami who discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing his or her face. The plot follows his attempts to become God by creating a New World cleansed of evil, using the book; the complex conflict between himself and all those who try to stop him."
I will definitely be writing about this manga again, once I finish it I will do a full review.

Look out for my next article which will be about the well know series of books focused on a certain boy wizard! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Liturature is one of my many loves

I am an avid reader and an amateur writer. My blog is composed of my reviews/thoughts on books I have read and also short stories I have written. Feel free to suggest books and ideas for my stories( I read/write everything from horror to romance so any and all ideas are welcome.)

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